Field Service Assistant


Thanks for taking you time to provide feedback. That is the best way to improve the functionality of the app.  Please read the following before providing feedback.


Please understand that your reivews give a witness in a public forum. Please use respectful language, and avoid "slang" which might not give a positive witness.

Consider using terms that are familiar to our audience (which is a public forum). Terms like "great crowd", "other sheep", "large army", etc. might be confusing to those not familiar with them.

The effort you make to write reviews for potential users while providing feedback is appreciated! Feel free to write your honest opinion about this application and rate it accordingly!

If you like Field Service Assistant, a favorable rating is appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your reviews!


Please understand that much time and effort was volunteered to make this program robust and useful.

FieldService is free, there are no fees or requests for donations. The intent to be helpful.

If you run into bugs or other issues, a reasonable effort will be made to resolve them. Please understand that you are using this program at your own risk the same way you would use other implements and methods

(paper and pencil) to record time and calls at your own risk. 

There is no guarantee or warranty against loss of data, error free use on your device, or any other kind of damage.  By using the program, you are accepting these terms and risks associated with using Field Service Assistant.  Use it at your own risk. 

Time records can be permanently stored by sending emails to yourself. Calls can be synced to the host computer via iTunes for backup.

Feature Requests

The following features have been requested by users.

- Add a stopwatch feature to autofill your time.  -- DONE
- Add an area or region field to the RV structure, and slect add a drop box with "All" as well as each area to select. A region or area is a subdivision of a territory.
- Schedule appointments in iPhone calendar for future calls and studies.
- Sort calls by territory number
- Landscape view for note entry. -- DONE

- Add multiple custom fields instead of just one.
- Add a list of people to work with with the intent of scheduling time with them
- Add a backup/restore program
- Add a the ability to start a new call from an existing contact in the address book.  -- DONE

- Change emailed report to a simpler format.
- Add +/- buttons in the time entry screen  -- DONE

- Add "a no trespassing area"
- Sort calls by City  -- DONE

- Make previous months and previous years expand to reveal detailed reports for those periods.

I am always working on fixes and new features. You are welcome to write me a mail, if there is something you miss in the app. But please read this website before you write the mail, to be sure that the feature isn't already there.


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