Field Service Assistant

Problems using iPhone OS 3.x or iOS 4

iPhone OS 3.x

Does Field Service Assistant work with iPhone OS 3.x?

Absolutely. It was tested against a beta version of OS 3.0, and a few bugs were resolved for a seamless transition.

Field Servant Assistant dissapeared after upgrading

Today, one user complained that Field Service Assistant had completely dissapeared after upgrading to iPhone OS 3.x
As it turned out, the program was still there without issues. The problem was that it moved to a new page on the iPhone desktop:

If it appears that your programs are missing, please be advised that when upgrading to OS 3.0, Apple adds a program called "Voice Memos" to your device. When Apple adds this program, it may create a new "page" for programs to reside. In my experience, it created a blank page, and other installed programs were found *after* the blank page. Please look through all of the pages to find your programs.

I Lost my Data after Upgrading to OS 3.x

When I upgraded to iPhone OS 3.0 today, I lost my data for Field Service Assistant. Field Service Assistant only stores field service time. Return visits are not stored by Field Service Assistant, they are stored in the Address book. They can also be found by launching Apple's "Contacts" application. If you lost data , please try the following to restore your data from iTunes, it worked for me.

Connect your iPhone/iPod device to your computer and launch iTunes.
From the iTunes menu, right-click on your iPhone/iPod, and select Restore from Backup. You will be prompted to choose a backup.

Once the restore process is complete, your data for Field Service Assistatnt should return.

If you have further problems, please send me an email by clicking here

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iOS 4

Field Service doesn't let me add or edit a contact.

Before continuing, make sure you have already upgraded to the latest version of Field Service that was designed to work with iOS 4. If you have already upgraded, and are still having difficulty, please continue with these instructions.

Apple has acknowledged problems with using exchange server and iOS 4 that can effect the "Contacts" application, and subsequently can effect how Field service works.

It appears that Apple has fixed this problem with iOS 4.1. If you can upgrade your OS to 4.1, please do so. Otherwise, continue with the instructions.

To work around this problem while we wait for Apple to fix it, do the following:

Launch the Settings appliation
Go to Settings-->Mail, Contacts, Calendars
Select your gmail exchange account, or Microsoft exchange account.
Turn off syncing contacts as per the illustration below.

You can still sync your contacts via iTunes. Click here for instructions about how to do that.
Some have found that they can turn syncing contacts back on after they have run the program at least once with the setting turned off.

Instead of syncing wirelessly, do the following to sync your google contacts in iTunes:

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